Autor(en): Lee, Dahae
Feiertag, Patricia
Unger, Lena
Titel: Co-production, co-creation or co-design of public space? A systematic review
Sprache (ISO): en
Zusammenfassung: Public space is increasingly provided and managed by a variety of actors. In order to describe this phenomenon, several concepts have been used, such as co-production, co-creation and co-design. This paper reviews the existing literature on public space and reveals that these concepts are defined similarly and used interchangeably. Based on a systematic literature review, and aided by bibliometric analysis, the paper attempts to establish transparency regarding current understanding and use of the concepts. By discussing the differences, the paper aims to reduce the ambiguity and increase the clarity of the concepts. The paper concludes by suggesting in which case it would be more appropriate to use which concept.
Schlagwörter: Co-concept
Public space
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024-08-29
Rechte (Link):
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Europäische Planungskulturen

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