Presentations : [21]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2004-07DIMVA 2004 - Eröffnung und AbschlußFlegel, Ulrich; Meier, Michael
2004-07Risiken der Nichterkennung von Malware in komprimierter FormMesserschmidt, Michel; Müller, Fabian; Seedorf, Jan
2004-07Antipatterns in JDK-Security and RefactoringsSchönefeld, Marc
2004-07Foundation for Intrusion PreventionAlderman, Ian D.; Parter, David W.; Rubin, Shai; Vernon, Mary K.
2004-07A Honeynet within the German Research Network — Experiences and ResultsGereon, Volker; Reiser, Helmut
2004-07An Approach to Intrusion Detection for Process Control SystemsNaedele, Martin
2004-07Trau, SCHAU, wem? - V-IDS oder eine andere Sicht der DingeGuthier, Benjamin; Lindenblatt, Andreas; Lindenblatt, Daniela; Scheuermann, Björn
2004-07Intrusion detection in unlabeled data with quarter-sphere Support Vector MachinesKotenko, Igor; Laskov, Pavel; Schäfer, Christin
2004-07Alert Verification - Determining the Success of Intrusion AttemptsKruegel, Christopher; Robertson, William
2004-07Hardened OS exploitationKrahmer, Sebastian
2004-07GI-Fachgruppe SIDAR - FachgruppentreffenKossakowski, Klaus-Peter
2004-07Sensors for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETsKlenk, Andreas; Kragl, Frank; Schlott, Stefan; Weber, Michael
2004-07Komponenten für kooperative Intrusion-Detection in dynamischen KoalitionsumgebungenAusserlechner, Frank; Bussmann, Michael; Henkel, Sven; Jahnke, Marko; Tölle, Jens
2004-07Ermittlung von Verwundbarkeitenmit elektronischen KödernDornseif, Maximillian; Gärtner, Felix C.; Holz, Thorsten
2004-07Trust-Based Runtime Monitoring of Distributed Component-Structured E-Commerce SoftwareHerrmann, Peter; Krumm, Heiko
2004-07Intelligent Transaction Analysis for the Early Recognition of Fraud Attempts in Credit Card businessHepp, Hanns-Michael
2004-07Structural Comparison of Executable ObjectsFlake, Halvar
2004-07A Network of IDS-Sensors for Attack-StatisticsDörges, Till; Gellert, Olaf; Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter
2004-07Alarm Reduction and Correlation in IDSBurbeck, Kalle; Burschka, Stefan; Chyssler, Tobias; Lingval, Tomas; Semling, Michael
2004-07UNIX and Linux based Kernel RootkitsBunten, Andreas
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 21