Institut für Philosophie : [16]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-06-13Reductive views of knowledge and the small difference principleWimmer, Simon
2022-02-13John Cook Wilson on the indefinability of knowledgeLongworth, Guy; Wimmer, Simon
2022-12-09Introduction: Symposium Limitarianism: Extreme Wealth as a Moral ProblemTimmer, Dick; Neuhäuser, Christian
2022-06-27Cook Wilson on knowledge and forms of thinkingLongworth, Guy; Wimmer, Simon
2022-02-19From responsibility to reason-giving explainable artificial intelligenceBaum, Kevin; Mantel, Susanne; Schmidt, Eva; Speith, Timo
2021-05-28Ways to knowledge-first believeWimmer, Simon
2021-12-13Pairing and sharing: the birth of the sense of usVincini, Stefano
2020-04-07Where reasons and reasoning come apartSchmidt, Eva
2021-03-30Models, unification, and simulations: Margaret C. Morrison (1954–2021)Falkenburg, Brigitte; Hartmann, Stephan
2021-12-16Belief does not entail a reasoning dispositionWimmer, Simon
2020-08-18Personal identity, transformative experiences, and the future selfCrone, Katja
2020-08-17Foundations of a we-perspectiveCrone, Katja
2014-09-12Wissenschaft als SelbstzweckFalkenburg, Brigitte; Braun, Florian; Schiemann, Gregor
2013-07-19Intuitive Erkenntnis und exakte WissenschaftenHuber, Renate
2004-11-23Heideggers Wahrheitsbegriff im Hinblick auf 'Und-Denken' und 'Ist-Denken'Post, W.; Suh, Dong-Uhn; Schweidler, W.
2000-09-05Die Bedeutung des SpinbegriffsSchulte, Marcus
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 16 of 16