Authors: Ahmad, Mohd Aftab
Ansari, Shahid
Aslam, Mohammad
Bhat, Jalal Uddin
Khanam, Razia
Nizami, Qudsia
Parray, Shabir Ahmad
Siddiqui, Aisha
Title: Anti-seizure activity of flower extracts of Nepeta bractaeta in Swiss albino mice
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterized by unprovoked, recurring seizures that disrupts the nervous system and can cause mental and physical dysfunction. Based on the ethno pharmacological information of the plant, the methanolic and aqueous extracts of the flowers of Nepeta bractaeta was evaluated for its antiepileptic activity. The methanolic and aqueous extracts of the flowers of Nepeta bracteata were observed for their antiepileptic activity by increased current Electroshock seizures (ICES) test and Pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) test using Swiss albino mice. Both the extracts showed significant activity in ICES and PTZ induced convulsions in comparison to control. In ICES model, NBAE at higher dose showed 16.7 % and NBME at higher dose showed 33.3 % protection against seizure and in PTZ model, NBME at higher dose showed 33.3 % protection against seizure. From the experiments performed, it can be said that Nepeta bractaeta does possess anticonvulsant property.
Subject Headings: antiepileptic effects
Nepeta bractaeta
Issue Date: 2012-11-16
Appears in Collections:Original Articles

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