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dc.contributor.authorBarros, Luiz Marivando-
dc.contributor.authorDuarte, Antonia Eliene-
dc.contributor.authorWaczuk, Emily Pansera-
dc.contributor.authorRoversi, Katiane-
dc.contributor.authorda Cunha, Francisco Assis Bezerra-
dc.contributor.authorRolon, Mirian-
dc.contributor.authorCoronel, Cathia-
dc.contributor.authorGomez, Maria Celeste Vega-
dc.contributor.authorde Menezes, Irwin Rose Alencar-
dc.contributor.authorda Costa, José Galberto Martins-
dc.contributor.authorBoligon, Aline Augusti-
dc.contributor.authorHassan, Waseem-
dc.contributor.authorSouza, Diogo Onofre-
dc.contributor.authorda Rocha, João Batista Teixeira-
dc.contributor.authorKamdem, Jean Paul-
dc.description.abstractLantana camara, the widely studied species, and L. montevidensis, the less studied species of the genus Lantana are both used in traditional medicine for the same purpose (anti-asthma, anti-ulcer, anti-tumor, etc). However, little is known about the toxicity of L. montevidensis and there is limited information on its chemical constituents. Here, we investigated for the first time the genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of the ethanolic (EtOH) and aqueous extracts from the leaves of Lantana montevidensis in human leukocytes, as well as their ossible interaction with human erythrocyte membranes in vitro. The antioxidant activities of both extracts were also investigated in chemical and biological models. Treatment of leukocytes with EtOH or aqueous extracts (1-480 µg/mL) did not affect DNA damage index, but promoted cytotoxicity at higher concentrations (240-480 µg/mL). Both extracts did not modify the osmotic fragility of human erythrocytes. The extracts scavenged DPPH radical and prevented Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in rat’s brain and liver homogenates, and this was likely not attributed to Fe (II) chelation. The HPLC analysis of the extracts showed different amounts of polyphenolic compounds (isoquercitrin, gallic acid, catechin, ellagic acid, apigenin, kaempferol, caffeic acid, rutin, quercitrin, quercetin, chlorogenic acid, luteolin) that may have contributed to these effects. These results supported information on the functional use of L. mon-tevidensis in folk medicine.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEXCLI Journal;Vol. 16 2017-
dc.subjectLantana montevidensisen
dc.subjectosmotic fragilityen
dc.titleSafety assessment and antioxidant activity of Lantana montevidensis leavesen
dc.title.alternativecontribution to its phytochemical and pharmacological activityen
dcterms.accessRightsopen access-
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Original Articles

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