Lehrbereich für Sozial-, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie : [11]

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-09-27Associations between physical size and space are strongly asymmetricalRichter, Melanie; Wühr, Peter
2023-10-30A deep dive into distributive concession making and the likelihood of impasses in negotiationsMertes, Marc; Kunz, Dana; Hüffmeier, Joachim
2023-09-22Similar, but different: gender differences in working time arrangements and the work–life interfaceMazei, Jens; Backhaus, Nils; Wöhrmann, Anne Marit; Brauner-Sommer, Corinna; Hüffmeier, Joachim
2022-07-22Is working from home a blessing or a burden? Home demands as a mediator of the relationship between work engagement and work-life balanceUgwu, Fabian Onyekachi; Enwereuzor, Ibeawuchi K.; Mazei, Jens
2023-05-16A color-related bias in offside judgments in professional soccer: a matter of figure-background contrast?Wühr, Peter; Memmert, Daniel
2023-01-27Open science practices in IWO psychology: urban legends, misconceptions, and a false dichotomyHüffmeier, Joachim; Torka, Ann-Kathrin; Jäckel, Elisabeth; Schäpers, Philipp
2022-10-20Are strategies for women in compensation negotiations more appealing when it is explained how they are meant to impact negotiation outcomes?Lietz, Melanie; Mazei, Jens; Mertes, Marc; Hüffmeier, Joachim
2022Employees' personality architecture matters at work: predicting motivation and well-beingKleinsorge, Thomas; Digutsch, Jan; Rinkenauer, Gerhard
2023-01-13Staggered onsets of processing relevant and irrelevant stimulus features produce different dynamics of congruency effectsHeuer, Herbert; Seegelke, Christian; Wühr, Peter
2022-02-01The nature of associations between physical stimulus size and left-right response codesRichter, Melanie; Wühr, Peter
2022Advancing the knowledge of the terrorist hostage dilemmaHüffmeier, Joachim; Mertes, Marc; Rowold, Jens
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11