Authors: Kotzem, Daniel
Höffgen, Alexandra
Raveendran, Rajevan
Title: Position-dependent mechanical characterization of the PBF-EB-manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy
Language (ISO): en
Abstract: By means of additive manufacturing, the production of components with nearly unlimited geometrical design complexity is feasible. Especially, powder bed fusion techniques such as electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB) are currently focused. However, equal material properties are mandatory to be able to transfer this technique to a wide scope of industrial applications. Within the scope of this work, the mechanical properties of the PBF-EB-manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy are investigated as a function of the position on the building platform. It can be stated that as-built surface roughness changes within building platform whereby highest surface roughness detected by computed tomography (Ra = 46.0 ± 5.3 µm) was found for specimens located in the front of the building platform. In contrast, no significant differences in relative density could be determined and specimens can be assumed as nearly fully dense (> 99.9%). Furthermore, all specimens are affected by an undersized effective diameter compared to the CAD data. Fatigue tests revealed that specimens in the front of the building platform show slightly lower performance at higher stress amplitudes as compared to specimens in the back of the building platform. However, process-induced notch-like defects based on the surface roughness were found to be the preferred location for early crack initiation.
Subject Headings: Additive manufacturing
Electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB)
Fatigue properties
Subject Headings (RSWK): Rapid Prototyping <Fertigung>
Selektives Laserschmelzen
Issue Date: 2021-10-12
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Appears in Collections:Fachgebiet Werkstoffprüftechnik

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