License granted by Pavel Laskov ( on 2007-01-22T14:17:19Z (GMT): License for publication on the institutional repository of the University of Dortmund LIZENZBESTIMMUNG FUER DIE VEROEFFENTLICHUNG AUF DEM REPOSITORIUM DER UNIVERSITAET DORTMUND 1. Non-exclusive publication rights By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grants to the University Library of Dortmund the non-exclusive right to reproduce, translate (as defined below), and/or distribute your submission worldwide in print and electronic format and in any medium. This also refers to the metadata of the submission, which is in addition made available in other databases and via publically accessible interfaces independant of the resoruce itself. 2. Rights of others By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grants that with the publication of this resource and everything contained in it no rights of others are violated. 3. Transformation in other formats By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grants to the University Library of Dortmund the right to transform the resource for other purposes (e.g. migration, accessibility, indexing) in any other digital or physical format and use it as mentioned in paragraph 1. 4. Submission to the German National Library By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) grants to the University Library of Dortmund the right to submit the resource and its metadata to the German National Library, to which the same rights as noted in paragraph 1 and 3 are granted. 5. Thesis, examination papers, and study credits By signing and submitting this license, you (the author(s) or copyright owner) declares that in case of thesis, examination paper or study credit the resource represents the final and approved version and that the responsible examination office has aapproved the publication.