Mönkebüscher, DavidRosenberger, PaulMertens, FabianAdam, RomanSchneider, Claus M.Parlak, UmutMüller, MartinaCinchetti, Mirko2024-04-102024-04-102023-07-14http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4243210.17877/DE290R-24268The magnetic proximity effect provides a promising way to increase the low Curie temperature (TC) of europium monoxide (EuO) toward or even above room temperature, while keeping its stoichiometry and insulating properties. This work studies EuO/Co bilayers using static and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements, and explores the influence of magnetic proximity on TC and on the spin dynamics in EuO. Excitation above the EuO bandgap results in an ultrafast enhancement of the EuO magnetization followed by a demagnetization within nanoseconds. This behaviour is also visible upon selectively photoexciting Co in the EuO/Co bilayer placed in an out-of-plane magnetic field, which is attributed to propagation of a superdiffusive spin current from Co into EuO. As the spin dynamics of Co shows a transient thermal demagnetization, the bilayer provides a system where the transient magneto-optical signal can be tuned in amplitude and sign by varying external parameters such as the sample temperature or pump fluence. Moreover, in a strong excitation regime it is possible to measure the magnetic hysteresis of the underlying EuO, which is present up to room temperature – giving experimental evidence for the presence of a tuneable magnetic proximity coupling between Co and EuO.enAdvanced materials interfaces;10(24)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/semiconducting ferromagnetsultrafast spin dynamics539Modulation of the transient magnetization of an EuO/Co bilayer tuned by optical excitationResearchArticle