Zimmermann, KarstenSinnett, Danielle2019-04-152019-04-152018-06-26http://hdl.handle.net/2003/3801610.17877/DE290R-19999Measures and strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation on the local level have become more or less obligatory. However, local governments face epistemic and organisational uncertainties. New agencies are created, new intra- and inter-organisational relationships are established and new competencies are requested. We argue that knowledge orders are of utmost importance for the institutionalisation of climate policies. We compare knowledge generation, the production of evidence and framing in the local administration of the three cities Munich, Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart and find commonalities and differences.enCogent Social Sciences;710Local climate policies in Germanychallenges of governance and knowledgeperiodicalKlimaschutzGemeindeverwaltung