Haaren, Britta vonMalyshko, Tatjana2009-01-072009-01-072007-10-081612-1376http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2597410.17877/DE290R-7118The subproject M3 of the Collaborative Research Center 559 has been working at the field of network controlling of large logistics networks since 1998. Firstly, for this purpose, requirements on such a network controlling had been developed within the subproject. Secondly a conception had been designed, which is qualified for cost input and cost allocation in a network and which is able to investigate the suitability of existing instruments respectively. The conception should also enable the transfer of cost information within the network as well as function as a supporting instrument for the cost management. Based on these demands the Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard has been developed as a controlling conception for planning, regulating and controlling large logistics networks. The conception is described detailed in chapter 2. The goal of the collaboration is to exemplify the implementation of the Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard. Therefore, a model of a transport network is specified, which has been constructed with the simulation-tool VeloS, to point out the integration of selected operating figures of the model and respectively the planned simulation into the Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard. The model and the simulation are described in chapter 3 so that subsequently in chapter 4 selectiveenSFB 559Technical Report;07007Balanced ScorecardLogistiknetzSupply Chain Management620Integration of Velos-Simulation-Results into the Supply Chain Balanced Scorecardreport