Suter, DieterRosatzin, MartinMlynek, Jürgen2008-02-122008-02-121991-07Dieter Suter, Martin Rosatzin, and Jürgen Mlynek: Optically Induced Coherence Transfer Echoes between Zeeman Substates. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, pp 34-37 (1991). report on optically induced spin-echo phenomena associated with Zeeman coherences in a sublevel manifold. The experiments on the ground state of sodium show multiple echoes occurring periodically after a double-pulse excitation sequence in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. The echo formation mechanism is attributed to a light-shift-induced transfer of sublevel coherence among the nondegenerate substates. This mechanism is verified experimentally, using a modulated excitation scheme with subsequent phase-sensitive detection.enThe American Physical Society530Optically induced coherence transfer echoes between Zeeman substates10.1103/PhysRevLett.67.34article (journal)