Böhmer, RolandDöß, A.Hinze, G.Schiener, B.Hemberger, J.2008-06-122008-06-121997-08-08Döß, A.; Hinze, G.; Schiener, B.; Hemberger, J.; Böhmer, R.: Dielectric relaxation in the fragile viscous liquid state of toluene. In: Journal of Chemical Physics Jg. 107(1997), S. 1740-1743, doi: 10.1063/1.474567.http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2553310.17877/DE290R-3310Dielectric measurements were carried out on viscous toluene covering a frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz. In order to suppress the pronounced crystallization tendency of this supercooled liquid it was contained in thin walled capillaries with outer diameters of 300 µm. From the temperature dependence of the characteristic dielectric relaxation times it was found that toluene is one of the most fragile low molecular weight glass-forming liquids, with a fragility index m=105. By comparison with time constants available from other experimental techniques it appears that near the glass transition the dielectric relaxation mode is not the slowest one.enAmerican Institute of Physics530Dielectric relaxation in the fragile viscous liquid state of toluene10.1063/1.474567article (journal)