Jelemenský, MartinPakšiová, DanielaPaulen, RadoslavLatifi, AbderrazakFikar, Miroslav2020-01-032020-01-032016-11-18 this paper, we deal with the model-based time-optimal operation of a batch diafiltration process in the presence of membrane fouling. Membrane fouling poses one of the major problems in the field of membrane processes. We model the fouling behavior and estimate its parameters using various methods. Least-squares, least-squares with a moving horizon, recursive least-squares methods and the extended Kalman filter are applied and discussed for the estimation of the fouling behavior on-line during the process run. Model-based optimal non-linear control coupled with parameter estimation is applied in a simulation case study to show the benefits of the proposed approach.enProcesses;4(4) diafiltrationMembrane foulingTime-optimal operationFouling estimation660Combined estimation and optimal control of batch membrane processesarticle (journal)