Böhmer, RolandKircher, O.Diezemann, G.Hinze, G.Schug, K. U.Sillescu, H.Zimmermann, H.2008-06-182008-06-181998-05-22Kircher, O.; Diezemann, G.; Böhmer, R.; Hinze, G.; Schug, K. U.; Sillescu, H.; Zimmermann, H.: Decay of single and double quantum coherences in deuterated glassy ortho-terphenyl. In: Journal of Chemical Physics Nr. 20, Jg. 108(1998), S. 8550-8556, doi: 10.1063/1.476284.http://hdl.handle.net/2003/25709http://dx.doi.org/10.17877/DE290R-3355The decay of single and double quantum coherences in amorphous ortho-terphenyl is studied by means of deuteron NMR echo experiments near and below the calorimetric glass transition temperature Tg. In perdeuterated samples a Gaussian decay for these coherences is found at low temperatures, in accord with theoretical predictions for random local dipolar fields. A method is proposed to extract information about slow motional processes from ordinary solid echo experiments below Tg. Partly deuterated ortho-terphenyl does not show a Gaussian decay. Simple model calculations show that this observation indicates the importance of correlations of the local dipolar fields in the presence of protonsen©1998 American Institute of Physicsorganic compoundsglass transitionspin echo (NMR)530Decay of single and double quantum coherences in deuterated glassy ortho-terphenylText10.1063/1.476284http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1063/1.476284