Böhmer, RolandKircher, O.Diezemann, G.Hinze, G.Schug, K. U.Sillescu, H.Zimmermann, H.2008-06-182008-06-181998-05-22Kircher, O.; Diezemann, G.; Böhmer, R.; Hinze, G.; Schug, K. U.; Sillescu, H.; Zimmermann, H.: Decay of single and double quantum coherences in deuterated glassy ortho-terphenyl. In: Journal of Chemical Physics Nr. 20, Jg. 108(1998), S. 8550-8556, doi: 10.1063/1.476284.http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2570910.17877/DE290R-3355The decay of single and double quantum coherences in amorphous ortho-terphenyl is studied by means of deuteron NMR echo experiments near and below the calorimetric glass transition temperature Tg. In perdeuterated samples a Gaussian decay for these coherences is found at low temperatures, in accord with theoretical predictions for random local dipolar fields. A method is proposed to extract information about slow motional processes from ordinary solid echo experiments below Tg. Partly deuterated ortho-terphenyl does not show a Gaussian decay. Simple model calculations show that this observation indicates the importance of correlations of the local dipolar fields in the presence of protonsenAmerican Institute of Physicsorganic compoundsglass transitionspin echo (NMR)530Decay of single and double quantum coherences in deuterated glassy ortho-terphenyl10.1063/1.476284article (journal)