Stolze, JoachimBurghardt, Bernd2008-06-062008-06-061999-03-19 numerical evaluation of coherent-state path integrals for quantum dynamical problems is discussed for one-dimensional examples. To propagate an initial state, we use the normal and antinormal ordered coherent-state path integrals combined with a split-operator technique dividing the Hamiltonian into harmonic and anharmonic parts. For numerical purposes integrations must be approximated by quadrature formulae. This leads to a matrix multiplication scheme which is systematically tested for the double-well and Morse potentials. The method is accurate for propagation times much longer than the natural time scale of the system, and it allows for short as well as long time steps without loss of stability.enIOP Publishing530Numerical evaluation of coherent-state path integrals in quantum dynamics10.1088/0305-4470/32/11/004article (journal)