Dette, HolgerVolgushev, StanislavWagener, Jens2009-10-292009-10-292009-07-16 consider the problem of testing the equality of J quantile curves from independent samples. A test statistic based on an L^2-distance between non-crossing nonparametric estimates of the quantile curves from the individual samples is proposed. Asymptotic normality of this statistic is established under the null hypothesis, local and fixed alternatives, and the finite sample properties of a bootstrap based version of this test statistic are investigated by means of a simulation study.enDiscussion Paper / SFB 823; 18/2009crossing quantile curvesmonotone rearrangementsnonparametric analysis of covariancequantile regressionrobustness310330620Nonparametric analysis of covariance using quantile curvesreport