Stolze, JoachimVerkholyak, TarasDerzhko, OlegKrokhmalskii, Taras2008-06-092008-06-092008Verkholyak, Taras; Derzhko, Oleg; Krokhmalskii, Taras; Stolze, Joachim: Spin-1/2 XX Chains with Three-Spin Interactions. In: consider a spin-1/2 XX chain with three-spin interactions which is equivalent to a system of noninteracting spinless fermions.We examine some dynamic quantities of the spin model.In particular, we calculate analytically the dynamic transverse (zz) structure factor which is governed by a two-fermion excitation continuum. Moreover, we compute numerically the dynamic xx structure factor which is a many-fermion dynamic quantity.We illustrate how the three-spin interactions manifest themselves in the dynamic probes.enCopyright 2008 Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences530Spin-1/2 XX Chains with Three-Spin InteractionsText