Shuin, VladimirFilatova, GalinaKubis, AndreasRehtanz, ChristianShapovalov, AntonHilbrich, DominikPlota, Ewa2015-03-242015-03-242015-01-14 fault determination of single-phase earth fault (SPEF) and SPEF location on the line are extremely important for the speedy elimination of damage and restoring normal operation of the power supply. Effective methods of SPEF determination on the cable lines under voltage do not still exist in medium voltage networks. The electrical values of the transition process that occurs during the breakdown of the insulation can be used for solving the problem of determining the place of single-phase including self-eliminating faults. The best method to study the electromagnetic transients at SPEF in medium-voltage networks and to identify the information parameters, which can be used for distant SPEF determination, is a combination of analytical methods on the basis of simplified models of the electrical networks and the method of computer simulation.enpower distribution networks of medium voltagecomputer simulationdetermination of the single-phase earth fault place620Information Parameters of Electrical Quantities of the Transient for Determining the Single-Phase Earth Fault Location in Сable Medium-Voltage Systemsconference contribution