Wegener, MichaelSchürmann, CarstenSpiekermann, Klaus2010-01-062010-01-062000-01http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2657710.17877/DE290R-356The SASI model is a recursive simulation model of socio-economic development of 201 regions in Europe subject to exogenous assumptions about the economic and demographic development of the European Union as a whole and transport infrastructure investments and transport system improvements of the TETN (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page). This report describes the software of the SASI model i.e. tools for network scenario generation, the input files, database and output files of the model, the model software itself and the programmes developed for analysing and visualising the model results.enBerichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung ; 50710The SASI ModelModel Softwarereport