Suter, DieterPeng, XinhuaZhang, JingfuDu, Jiangfeng2008-06-022008-06-022008-05-08Peng, X.; Zhang, J.; Du, J.; Suter, D.: Quantitative complementarity between local and nonlocal character of quantum states in a three-qubit system. In: Physical Reviews A Jg. 77(2008), 052107. or nonlocal character of quantum states can be quantified and is subject to various bounds that can be formulated as complementarity relations. Here, we investigate the local vs nonlocal character of pure three-qubit states by a four-way interferometer. The complete entanglement in the system can be measured as the entanglement of a specific qubit with the subsystem consisting of the other two qubits. The quantitative complementarity relations are verified experimentally in an NMR quantum information processor.en©2008 The American Physical Society530Quantitative complementarity between local and nonlocal character of quantum states in a three-qubit systemText10.1103/PhysRevA.77.052107