Burwick, ChristianGoser, KarlThomas, Marc2004-12-062004-12-0620002004-05-12http://hdl.handle.net/2003/272810.17877/DE290R-5181This paper focuses on electronic design at circuit level. The use of evolutionary algorithms to this application is discussed and a trade off to existing approaches is investigated. The design and analyzing task at this level is described in detail. As example a 1-bit full adder design in static CMOS is inspected with regard to power consumption and delay. In algorithmic scope both, single- and multi-objective optimization are regarded here. Finally some concluding remarks are given in section 6. ircuit Optimization Electronic design at circuit-level is a numeric adjustment process to meet constraints and goals on a fixed structure. Parameter extraction and variation, simulation, and resultenUniversität Dortmund004Circuit Analysis and Design using Evolutionary Algorithmsworking paper