Daehn, G. S.Fenton, G.Vohnout, V. J.2010-05-172010-05-172010http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2719710.17877/DE290R-13049Electrohydraulic (submerged arc discharge) forming of sheet metal parts has been used as a specialized high speed forming method since the 1960 s. The parts formed generally had a major dimension in the 5 to 25 cm range and required gross metal expansion in the centimeter range. In the descriptions of this process found in the literature, the pressure front emanating from the initial plasma generated by the arc is considered to be uniformly spherical in nature. At least one commercial system used this model to design hardware for pressure front focusing to optimize the forming process[1] and it has been the subject of continued research [2]. Recently, there has been commercial interest in adopting the electro-hydraulic method for the production of much smaller parts requiring very high die contact pressures but little gross sheet expansion. The forming of these small shallow parts required only a few kilojoules but proved to be problematic in other terms. The process development clearly showed indications of random patterns of large pressure heterogeneity across distances in the millimeter range. The apparent pressure heterogeneity produced unacceptable small scale variation in the part geometry. A test program was designed to verify and quantify this effect using a target (die) consisting of a flat plate having small closely spaced holes. This 50 mm diameter target proved very effective in clearly showing the extent of the heterogeneity as well as the approximate local pressures. Various discharge energies were investigated along with different chamber shapes and pressure transfer mediums. The pressure heterogeneity across the target face was a common feature to all experiments. These test results indicate that a uniform pressure front model can be seriously in error for the electrohydraulic process as implemented to date. The results of a qualitative hydro-code model of the test system including the discharge event are presented. The model results are similar enough to the experimental to imply that the coaxial electrode s inherent off center discharge is a primary suspect among potential explanations for the observed heterogeneity in terms of asymmetric shock interaction. The absence of this phenomena in the earlier electrohydraulic forming literature is also discussed.enInstitut für Umformtechnik - Technische Universität Dortmundelectro-hydraulicformingpressure620670Pressure heterogeneity in small displacement electrohydraulic forming processesconference contribution