Wu, KaiTessarolo, JacopoBaksi, AnanyaClever, Guido H.2022-09-192022-09-192022-05-26http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4107010.17877/DE290R-22918Multicomponent metallo-supramolecular assembly allows to rationally combine different building blocks. Discrete multifunctional hosts with an accessible cavity can be prepared in a non-statistical fashion. We employ our shape-complementary assembly (SCA) method to achieve for the first time integrative self-sorting of heteroleptic PdII cages showing guest-tunable circularly polarized luminescence (CPL). An enantiopure helicene-based ligand (M or P configuration) is coupled with a non-chiral emissive fluorenone-based ligand (A or B) to form a series of Pd2L2L’2 assemblies. The modular strategy allows to impart the chiral information of the helicenes to the overall supramolecular system, resulting in CPL from the non-chiral component. Guest binding results in a 4-fold increase of CPL intensity. The principle offers potential to generate libraries of multifunctional materials with applications in molecular recognition, enantioselective photo-redox catalysis and information processing.enAngew Chem (Int Ed Engl);61(35)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Circularly polarized luminescenceCoordination cagesChirality transferHost-guest chemistrySupramolecular chemistry540Guest-modulated circularly polarized luminescence by ligand-to-ligand chirality transfer in heteroleptic Pd(II) coordination cagesarticle (journal)