Böhmer, RolandQi, F.Rier, C.Franke, W.Heitjans, P.2008-06-102008-06-102005-09-15Qi, F.; Rier, C.; Böhmer, R.; Franke, W.; Heitjans, P.: Ion hopping in crystalline and glassy spodumene : 7^Li spin-lattice relaxation and 7^Li echo NMR spectroscopy. In: Physical Review B Nr. 10, Jg. 72(2005), 104301/1-11, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.104301.http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2548710.17877/DE290R-3487enThe American Physical Society530Ion hopping in crystalline and glassy spodumene7^Li spin-lattice relaxation and 7^Li echo NMR spectroscopy10.1103/PhysRevB.72.104301article (journal)