Yu, Ji-Young2004-12-062004-12-062002-05-032002-06-17http://hdl.handle.net/2003/239610.17877/DE290R-16070We present in the first part cross sections for single pion production, quasi-elastic and deep inelastic scattering by muon and tau-neutrinos relevant for oscillation experiments, including nuclear effects. It will be useful for the study of neutrino oscillations in future oscillation experiments. In the second part we introduce a method to separate perturbative and non-perturbative parts in the dispersive sector of the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian density in strong (quasi-)Abelian fields. Further, using (modified) Borel-Pade approximation applied to the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian, we test numerically the approximate analytic continuation of the perturbative results into the nonperturbative sector.enUniversität DortmundNeutrino-Nucleon-WechselwirkungNeutrino OszillationenRückstreuungskorrekturStörungstheorieNumerische MethodeNeutrino-nucleon interactionneutrino oscillationsnuclear rescattering correctionspertubative effectnon-perturbative effectnumerical method530Neutrino interactions and nuclear effects in oscillation experiments and the nonperturbative dispersive sector in strong (quasi-)Abelian fieldsdoctoral thesis