Jacod, JeanLi, YingyingMykland, Per A.Podolskij, MarkVetter, Mathias2008-11-262008-11-262008-11-26http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2586710.17877/DE290R-1947This paper presents a generalized pre-averaging approach for estimating the integrated volatility. This approach also provides consistent estimators of other powers of volatility ā in particular, it gives feasible ways to consistently estimate the asymptotic variance of the estimator of the integrated volatility. We show that our approach, which possess an intuitive transparency, can generate rate optimal estimators (with convergence rate nā1/4).enConsistencyContinuityDiscrete observationIto processLeverage effectPre-averagingQuarticityRealized volatilityStable convergence004Microstructure noise in the continuous casethe pre-averaging approachreport