Spyridis, PanagiotisMellios, NikolaosUz, OkanWalter, Lars2023-02-162023-02-162023-01-31http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4124410.17877/DE290R-23085Direct slabs-column connections are a typical structural confgiuration because they allow greater clear heights and more versatile architectural layouts compared to beam frame support. In such structures, punching shear failure is often critical. Punching shear is characteristically brittle and it occurs without pronounced advance notice, whilst robustness through alternative load paths can not always be ensured. Hence progressive catastrophic collapses can occur and advanced design and existing structures assessment models are necessary. This dataset is a collection of available full-scale punching shear test results from international literature of the last 6 decades offered to researchers for metanalyses and comparisons with own research results. This also forms the basis of the publication: Mellios, N., Uz, O., & Spyridis, P. (2023). Data-based modeling of the punching shear capacity of concrete structures. Engineering Structures, 275, 115195.enPunching shear of concrete slabs with bar and fibre reinforcement and unreinforced690720Database of experimental results from punching shear tests with various types of reinforcementDatenbank von Versuchsergebnissen aus Durchstanzversuchen mit diversen Bewehrungsartenresearch data