Hammi, Abdelkhalek2024-07-302024-07-302023-07-12http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4261610.17877/DE290R-24452To investigate the impact of prolonged fraction delivery of modern intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) on the accumulated dose to the circulating blood during the course of fractionated radiation therapy. We have developed a 4D dosimetric blood flow model (d-BFM) capable of continuously simulating the blood flow through the entire body of the cancer patient and scoring the accumulated dose to blood particles (BPs). We developed a semi-automatic approach that enables us to map the tortuous blood vessels of the surficial brain of individual patients directly from standard magnetic resonance imaging data of the patient. For the rest of the body, we developed a fully-fledged dynamic blood flow transfer model according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection human reference. We proposed a methodology enabling us to design a personalized d-BFM, such it can be tailored for individual patients by adopting intra- and inter-subject variations. The entire circulatory model tracks over 43 million BPs and has a time resolution of = 10−3 s. A dynamic dose delivery model was implemented to emulate the spatial and temporal time-varying pattern of the dose rate during the step-and-shoot mode of IMRT. We evaluated how different configurations of the dose rate delivery, and a time prolongation of fraction delivery may impact the dose received by the circulating blood (CB).Our calculations indicate that prolonging the fraction treatment time from 7 to 18 min will augment the blood volume receiving any dose from 36.1% to 81.5% during one single fraction. The results indicate that increasing the segment number has only a negligible effect on the irradiated blood volume, when the fraction time is kept identical. We developed a novel concept of customized 4D d-BFM that can be tailored to the hemodynamics of individual patients to quantify dose to the CB during fractionated radiotherapy. The prolonged fraction delivery and the variability of the instantaneous dose rate have a significant impact on the accumulated dose distribution during IMRT treatments. This impact should be considered during IMRT treatments design to reduce RT-induced immunosuppressive effects.enPhysics in medicine and biology;68(14)https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/blood flow modelcirculating lymphocytescerebral vasculaturepatient-specific modelingIMRT5304D dosimetric-blood flow model: impact of prolonged fraction delivery times of IMRT on the dose to the circulating lymphocytesArticle