Park, C. G.Choi, Y.Shim, J. Y.Kang, B. Y.Huh, H.Tekkaya, A. E.2014-07-142014-07-142014 this paper, the finite element analysis for the design of a high speed forming press using electromagnetic pulse force has been performed. The punch of the press has been fixed on a aluminium plate, which is driven by the electromagnetic pulse force. The force is the repulsive force between aluminium plate and the coil. The coil has been supplied with a high voltage AC current impulse from the capacitors and then the magnetized aluminium plate has been forced to move upward with high speed. For the analysis of the pressing, the coupled analysis of electromagnetic field and rigid-body dynamic of the aluminium plate has been performed with a commercial FE-software, ANSYS and the rigid-body dynamics theory.enHigh Speed FormingFE-analysisPressElectromagnetic Force620670High Speed Forming Press Using Electromagnetic Pulse Forceconference contribution