Schädel, Marius2019-02-082019-02-082018-09-17 mobility sector in Germany is currently exposed to great challenges and chances. On the one hand trends like urbanization and a high degree of individual traffic lead to difficulties in reaching an efficient and sustainable mobility system which correspondents with national and international climate targets. On the other hand the current personal mobility system struggles to exploit the opportunities that are given by the trend of digitalization. Against this background, the examination of an alternative mobility system called Mobility as a Service is reasonable. Core elements of Mobility as a Service are multimodality, mobility services in a one shop principle and the minimization of individual traffic. Nevertheless the implementation of Mobility as a Service requires specific conditions which are basically defined by technology, politics, economy and infrastructure. Due to its core elements, Mobility as a Service leads to a highly efficient and modern transport system. At the same time Mobility as a Service can be the base for further developments in the field of e-mobility in Germany. The thesis finds out that there is a chance to implement the concept of Mobility as a Service in Germany and that provides good conditions to boost the use of electric vehicles.en620Feasibility of the concept Mobility as a Service and its ability to support e-mobility in Germanymaster thesis