Suter, DieterCheng, HongweiZhou, XianyiDu, Jiangfeng2008-06-022008-06-022007-01-17Chen, Hongwei; Zhou, Xianyi; Suter, Dieter; Du, Jiangfeng: Experimental realization of 1?2 asymmetric phase-covariant quantum cloning. In: Physical Review A Jg. 75(2007), 012317. exact cloning of an unknown quantum state is prohibited by the linearity of quantum mechanics, approximate cloning is possible and has been used, e.g., to derive limits on the security of quantum communication protocols. In the case of asymmetric cloning, the information from the input state is distributed asymmetrically between the different output states. Here, we consider asymmetric phase-covariant cloning, where the goal is to optimally transfer the phase information from a single input qubit to different output qubits. We construct an optimal quantum cloning machine for two qubits that does not require ancilla qubits and implement it on an NMR quantum information processor.en©2007 The American Physical Society530Experimental realization of 1 --> 2 asymmetric phase-covariant quantum cloningText10.1103/PhysRevA.75.012317