Schäffner, MathiasSchweizer, BenTjandrawidjaja, Yohanes2022-04-082022-04-082022-03-24 consider the wave equation in an unbounded domain and are interested in domain truncation methods. Our aim is to develop a numerical scheme that allows calculations for truncated waveguide geometries with periodic coefficient functions. The scheme is constructed with radiation boxes that are attached to the artificially introduced boundaries. A Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator N is calculated in these radiation boxes. Efficiency of the scheme is obtained by calculating N not with an iteration, but with a single run through the time interval. We observe speed-up factors of up to 20 in comparison to calculations without domain truncation.enPreprints der Fakultät für Mathematik;2022-01wave equationtransparent boundary conditiondomain truncation610A radiation box domain truncation scheme for the wave equationpreprint