Suter, DieterMueller, K. T.Pines, A.2008-02-112008-02-111988-03D. Suter, K.T. Mueller, and A. Pines: Study of the Aharonov-Anandan Phase by NMR Interferometry. In: Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, pp 1218-1220 (1988). and Anandan have recently reformulated and generalized Berry’s phase by showing that a quantum system which evolves through a circuit C in projective Hilbert space acquires a geometrical phase β(C) related to the topology of the space and the geometry of the circuit. We present NMR interferometry experiments in a three-level system which demonstrate the Aharonov-Anandan phase and its topological invariance for different circuits.enThe American Physical Society530Study of the Aharonov-Anandan Phase by NMR Interferometry10.1103/PhysRevLett.60.1218article (journal)