Hangebruch, NinaOthengrafen, Frank2022-07-122022-07-122022-07-07http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4098610.17877/DE290R-22835Digitalisation is leading to fundamental changes in the German retail sector and the city centres as places of trade. Traditional forms of business such as department stores have significantly reduced their branch networks. Their conversion poses major questions not only for the property owners but also for the municipalities concerned. As key properties, the buildings are of particular relevance for the reorientation of the inner-city use structure. In view of the reduced importance of retail in inner cities, it is discussed how the transformation of these properties can increase the resilience of city centres. Therefore, we conducted a systematic literature analysis on urban and retail resilience and derived ten dimensions for resilient city centres. We applied the ten dimensions and related criteria in the analysis of five selected case studies in Germany and assessed that new, innovative and flexible re-uses could be realised in the former department stores, increasing the multifunctionality and robustness of the city centres. The conversion of the buildings is not only sustainable from the perspective of climate and resource efficiency, but also contributes to the preservation of the local building culture and the identification of the citizens with the inner city.enSustainability;Band 14. 2022, Heft 14, Artikel-ID 8303https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/urban transformationmixed usere-usedepartment storesinner city developmentconversionretailurban planning710Resilient inner citiesconditions and examples for the transformation of former department stores in Germanyarticle (journal)