Schmidt, PaulineLawrence, Bryce T.2022-11-082022-11-082022-11-07 temperatures continue to rise throughout the world due to climate change and, thus, also in Europe, often occurring as heat waves. The negative effects of climate change-related heat waves can be observed, especially in urban areas where land sealing is the greatest and so is population density. Past studies have indicated that green volume can provide climate improvement by balancing humidity and regulating temperature. This study aims to estimate the distribution of surface heat islands and green volume and test the relationship between these variables in a case study of Bochum, Germany. A method to develop a temporally longitudinal 30-m Landsat 8-based land surface temperature (LST) analysis and 30-m LiDAR-based green volume dataset are presented, and their relationship is tested using Pearson’s correlation (n = 148,204). The results show that heat islands are moderately negatively correlated with green volume (r = −0.482; p < 0.05), LST can vary as much as 28 degrees °C between heat islands and densely vegetated areas, and the distribution is heterogeneous across Bochum.enSustainability;14(21) changeGreen volumeHeat islandHeat wavesLand surface temperatureSurface heat island710Association between land surface temperature and green volume in Bochum, Germanyarticle (journal)BodenbedeckungGrünflächeStadtklimaHitzeKlimaänderungBodentemperatur