Arnold, Dirk V.Beyer, Hans-Georg2004-12-072004-12-0720022002-04-08 cumulative step-size adaptation (CSA) based on path length control is regarded as a robust alternative to the standard mutative self-adaptation technique in evolution strategies (ES), guaranteeing an almost optimal control of the mutation operator. In this short paper it is shown that the underlying basic assumption in CSA - the perpendicularity of expected consecutive steps - does not necessarily guarantee optimal progress performance for (...)intermediate recombinative ES.enUniversität DortmundReihe Computational Intelligence ; 129covariance matrix adaptationcumulative step-size adaptationevolution strategiesmutative self-adaptationprogress rate004Qualms Regarding the Optimality of Cumulative Path Length Control in CSA/CMA-Evolution Strategiesreport