Böhmer, RolandSanchez, E.Angell, C. A.2008-06-112008-06-111992Böhmer, R.; Sanchez, E.; Angell, C. A.: A.c. technique for simultaneous study of local and global linear responses near the glass transition: the case of doped calcium(2+)/potassium(1+)/nitrate. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry Nr. 23, Jg. 96(1992), S. 9089-9092, doi:http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2550510.17877/DE290R-2887enThe American Chemical Society530A.c. technique for simultaneous study of local and global linear responses near the glass transitionthe case of doped calcium(2+)/potassium(1+)/nitrate10.1021/j100202a001article (journal)