Hering, FranzMessaoud, AmorTheis, Winfried2004-12-292004-12-292004http://hdl.handle.net/2003/1965210.17877/DE290R-15675Deep hole drillingmetho ds are used for producingho les with a high length-to-diameter ratio, good surface finish and straightness. The process is subject to dynamic disturbances usually classified as either chatter vibration or spiralling. In this work, we propose to monitor the BTA drillingpr ocess usingco ntrol charts to detect chatter as early as possible and to secure production with high quality. These control charts use the residuals obtained from a model which describes the variation in the amplitude of the relevant frequencies of the process. The results showed that chatter is detected and some alarm signals are related to changing physical conditions of the process.enUniversität Dortmund000Monitoring of the BTA Deep Hole Drilling Process Using Residual Control Chartsreport