Dette, HolgerVolgushev, StanislavWagener, Jens2012-08-282012-08-282012-08-28 consider quantile regression processes from censored data under dependent data structures and derive a uniform Bahadur representation for those processes. We also consider cases where the dimension of the parameter in the quantile regression model is large. It is demonstrated that traditional penalization methods such as the adaptive lasso yield sub-optimal rates if the coe fficients of the quantile regression cross zero. New penalization techniques are introduced which are able to deal with speci c problems of censored data and yield estimates with an optimal rate. In contrast to most of the literature, the asymptotic analysis does not require the assumption of independent observations, but is based on rather weak assumptions, which are satis ed for many kinds of dependent data.enDiscussion Paper / SFB 823;34/2012Bahadur representationcensored datadependent dataquantile regressionvariable selectionweak convergence310330620Censored quantile regression processes under dependence and penalizationworking paper