Fürst, FranzSchürmann, CarstenSpiekermann, KlausWegener, Michael2010-01-062010-01-062000-01http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2657810.17877/DE290R-359This report describes the results of demonstration scenario simulations done with the SASI model (see the other SASI reports in the SASI Home Page), i.e. the application of the model with different assumptions on TEN infrastructure investments and network imnprovements and their likely socio-economic impacts on the European regions. As a case study, the likely impacts of the Oeresund fixed link between Denmark and Sweden were examined. The report shows that the model is able to model the development of the interaction between infrastructure and regional development in the past and to provide plausible forecasts of the likely effects of future infrastructure network scenarios.enBerichte aus dem Institut für Raumplanung ; 51710The SASI ModelDemonstration Examplesreport