Böhmer, RolandChamberlin, R. V.Sanchez, E.Angell, C. A.2008-06-122008-06-121992Chamberlin, R. V.; Böhmer, R.; Sanchez, E.; Angell, C. A.: Signature of ergodicity in the dynamic response of amorphous systems. In: Physical Review B Nr. 9, Jg. 46(1992), S. 5787-5790, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.46.5787 .http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2554410.17877/DE290R-4000We have analyzed dynamical measurements from materials near their liquid-glass transition. The primary response is accurately characterized by a model for dispersive excitations on specific distributions of independently relaxing domains. Liquids have an equilibrium (Gaussian) distribution of domain sizes, which changes abruptly to a locally random (Poisson-like) distribution in the glass. When quenched to a temperature initially in the glass phase, after a definite anneal time, the Poisson-like distribution changes abruptly back to the Gaussian distribution characteristic of a liquid.enThe American Physical Society530Signature of ergodicity in the dynamic response of amorphous systems10.1103/PhysRevB.46.5787article (journal)