Iuldasheva, AlinaMalafeev, AlekseiKubis, AndreasRehtanz, ChristianShapovalov, AntonHilbrich, DominikPlota, Ewa2015-03-242015-03-242015-01-14http://hdl.handle.net/2003/3397110.17877/DE290R-7679In this article, the algorithm of reliability evaluation of electricity supply systems operation is presented. It includes evaluation of the reliability of consumer’s electricity supply and the reliability of power generation by the local power plants. Proposed algorithm is based on the method of sequential network reduction and allows calculating the reliability indices of the selected consumer or of the certain point of power distribution. This algorithm is implemented in the program complex (PC) KATRAN. The calculation of reliability indices allows assessing the consumer’s outage cost and the interruption costs of the enterprise’s power plants.enelectricity supply reliabilityelectricity supply interruption costssequential network reductionpower flow directionreliability indices620Electricity supply reliability of the industrial enterprises with local power plants and the outage cost evaluationconference contribution