Pirner, Hans J.2010-05-272010-05-272010-05-271863-7388http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2724610.17877/DE290R-2064Unbestimmtheit is discussed with three connotations: indefiniteness-vagueness, uncertainty and indeterminacy. Vagueness is a term in philosophy, the two other meanings are found in physics. I will study several physics cases: experimental errors, natural borderline cases, quantum indeterminacy, uncertainty and indeterminacy in statistical and stochastic physics. Characteristically, the three classes are often found to be mixed. A very sketchy discussion concludes the article: How should one handle Unbestimmtheit? When and how should one clarify, classify, define limits, use fuzzy logic?enPhysics & Philosophy ; 14experimental uncertaintyfuzzy logicindefinitenessindeterminacyphysics borderline casesquantum indeterminacyquantum logicstochastic and random physicsuncertaintyVagueness100530Vagueness in Philosophy -- "Unbestimmtheit" in Physicsarticle (journal)