Ashour, Kamila Naim2017-03-232017-03-232016 knowledge about urban regeneration in the Middle East has been explored. Showing experiences in the case of Amman would contribute to the theory building of urban regeneration. The following research is an assessment of urban regeneration policies and experiences in Amman’s core in two cases: the Old Downtown, Wast El-Balad, and the “New Downtown”, Abdali. The experiences are critically assessed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The analysis and review are conducted based on data from onsite, interviews, observations, photographs, official reports and articles. Findings from literature provided a framework of principles of good urban regeneration policies, and organized the research questions and structure. The assessment concerns rationality, impact, effectiveness and the long-term implementation of urban policies. Many proposals and projects for revitalizing Wast El-Balad were completed. Most of the implemented projects were financed by grants. There was no commitment to the proposed urban policies and regulations, thus the Downtown heritage is at risk. Abdali was developed by an organization, most of Phase I is constructed, but Phase II is not. This research examines the role of urban planning, real estate markets and urban regeneration policies in providing the desired outcomes. Urban regeneration was proposed and implemented in the absence of realistic appraisal of the market conditions. Some urban policies of the future plans of Amman would have a bad impact on the city’s development. Although the initial intentions of urban regeneration were economic development, the outcomes end up with physical improvements but put off the key economic drivers, thus, causing the beautification of the container and the loss of the content. Abdali is developed at a central location between “East Amman” and “West Amman”. Abdali’s development would rebalance and relocate the center of gravity of the city towards the core. Abdali has an important influence on re-locating the city center to the core of Amman. There are many challenges facing the success of Abdali and Wast El-Balad. Spatially, Abdali’s development is rational, but the supply of commercial spaces exceeds the local demand. The Abdali trade market is linked to external players, investors and users. Abdali, a new large scale development has a high vacancy rate, requires revitalization! Decisions on the national level to improve the local economy are a productive way to reduce the failure of the real estate market. A lot of work should be done to solve the urban problems of Wast El-Balad. Abdali and Wast El-Balad together would function as two poles tying and binding central Amman. This connection with Shmesani composes the central business district of Amman.Research on urban regeneration about cases in Jordan done in the context of spatial sciences in Germany, combines two different scientific backgrounds and interests. Spatial sciences in Jordan are very recent compared to long traditions in Germany. Under these circumstances, scientific interests in both Jordan and Germany should be considered and respected. German interest may deal with the importance of spatial and urban development in Jordan for global development. The Jordanian interest may include developing an understanding of urban regeneration through assessing the local urban development policies and practices, and learning general principles of good practice and experiences from better-developed regions of the World like Europe and the US.enAmmanUrban regenerationReal estateDowntownAssessmentEffectivenessImpact710Urban regeneration strategies in Amman’s core: urban development and real estate marketdoctoral thesisAmman; Stadtkern; Stadtentwicklung; Stadtumbau; Stadtsanierung