Rizzi, GianlucaHassam Khan, Ionel-Dumitrel GhibaMadeo, AngelaNeff, Patrizio2022-04-192022-04-192021-11-17http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4085810.17877/DE290R-22715We derive analytical solutions for the uniaxial extension problem for the relaxed micromorphic continuum and other generalized continua. These solutions may help in the identification of material parameters of generalized continua which are able to disclose size effects.enArchive of applied mechanics; Vol. 93. 2023, Issue1, pp 5-21Generalized continuaUniaxial extensionUniaxial extension stiffnessCharacteristic lengthSize effectMicromorphic continuumCosserat continuumCouple stress modelGradient elasticityMicropolarRelaxed micromorphic modelMicro-stretch modelMicro-strain modelMicro-void modelBounded stiffness690Analytical solution of the uniaxial extension problem for the relaxed micromorphic continuum and other generalized continua (including full derivations)article (journal)