Spyridis, PanagiotisMitroulis, KonstantinosProske, Dirk2023-03-222023-03-222023-03-17http://hdl.handle.net/2003/4130510.17877/DE290R-23148This database contains data of collapses in tunnels during construction or operation and cases of extensive maintenance signifying the end of service life. It can form the basis for statistical interpetations as well as hisotrical review of various tunnel projects. This database also forms the basis for the investigations reported in the papers "Revised Comparison of Tunnel Collapse Frequencies and Tunnel Failure Probabilities" by P. Spyridis and D. Proske (DOI:10.1061/AJRUA6.0001107) and "Assessing the failure potential of tunnels and the impacts on cost overruns and project delays" by C. Paraksevopoulou, M. Dallavalle, S. Konstantis, P. Spyridis, A. Benardos (DOI:10.1016/j.tust.2022.104443)entunnel collapsestunnel failurehistorical construction data690720Database of tunnel collapses and failuresresearch dataTunnelEinsturzDefektKonstruktionsdaten