Yntema, Erik Jan2004-12-032004-12-0319992002-01-21http://hdl.handle.net/2003/220910.17877/DE290R-14659The efforts currently made by Pica in the 'virtual libraries' context are bundled in one complex project named DELTA. The primary goal of DELTA is the implementation of the Virtual Research Library (VRL) via an integrated package of enduser-services for the use of resources selected and offered by research libraries, using state-of-the-art web technology combined with existing library infrastructures. To reach this goal the project does focus on: Ongoing co-operative selection of relevant content, Ongoing monitoring of user behaviour to improve services, Development of an integrated enduser oriented information search-,order- and access-facility, Development of an underlying integrated technical infrastructure, Development of a clear, selfexplanation, multilingual graphical enduser interface. Operational goals in this perspective include: Co-operation in selection and acquisition of relevant content, Co-operation in the area of production of local electronic resources, including retrospective digitisation, Co-operation in the area of storage, management and access of electronic resources, Alignment and integration of access and billing, Co-operation in the area of enduser involvement, PR and marketing. Enduser participation in the project (prototyping) Development of a webbrowser interface for access to the VRL, Development of a Virtual Library Server to handle application logic, Development of a backoffice for housekeeping of the VRL. The project is carried out by a group of Dutch University libraries together with Pica, who have established a consortium for this purpose, called DELTA (Dutch Electronic Library Technology Association).enUniversität Dortmund020DELTA, constructing a digital library from a Union Catalogue perspectiveconference contribution