Kunau, Gabriele2006-03-132006-03-132006-03-13http://hdl.handle.net/2003/2222610.17877/DE290R-8096How can the concept of self-description from newer systems theory be used for improving the co-evolvement of software engineering and organizational change in CSCW-projects? This thesis suggests transferring the concept of self-description into a concept of socio-technical self-description allowing an organization to describe its own computer supported work processes. The presentation of results is organized in four steps: First, a theoretical foundation is elaborated; second, an initial methodological is presented; third, empirical evidence from two explorative case studies is analyzed; fourth, a finalized methodological concept is derived.enCSCWComputer-supported cooperative workSoftware engineeringSoftware-TechnikOrganisationsentwicklungSystemtheorie004Facilitating computer supported cooperative work with socio-technical self-descriptionsdoctoral thesisurn:nbn:de:hbz:290-2003/22226-7