Stolze, JoachimViswanath, V. S.Müller, Gerhard2008-06-032008-06-031994-05-15Viswanath, V.S.; Stolze, Joachim; Müller, Gerhard: Dynamical properties of quantum spin systems in magnetically ordered product ground states. In: Journal of Applied Physics Nr. 10, Jg. 75(1994), S. 6057-6059, doi: 10.1063/1.355509. one-dimensional spin-s XYZ model in a magnetic field of particular strength has a ferro- or antiferromagnetically ordered product ground state. The recursion method is employed to determine T=0 dynamic structure factors for systems with s=1/2, 1, 3/2. The line shapes and peak positions differ significantly from the corresponding spin-wave results, but their development for increasing values of s suggests a smooth extrapolation to the spin-wave picture.enAmerican Institute of Physics510Dynamical properties of quantum spin systems in magnetically ordered product ground states10.1063/1.355509article (journal)